


Nippon Bunri University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Space systems course

ARLISS is the most dynamic experiment of any competition, and the most exciting competition of all, where students who are not yet a nobody come together and leave everything to the CanSat that they have developed. I served as the student management representative for ARLISS2023. My experience in management team includes serving as accountant for ACTS2021 and ARLISS2022, but I never thought I would become a representative in my third year. This was a personal matter for me, but I had a graduate school exam coming up that year, and I think it sometimes caused problems for the members of the administration and sometimes for the participating teams. In addition, an unforeseen event occurred just before the tournament schedule: a heavy downpour in the Black Rock Desert, which affected us by changing the schedule and so on. However, we were able to put on a great competition because of the cooperation of the participants.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members who managed this year's event, as well as to all the participants.


Public Relations for Overseas

Natsuki ABE

Muroran Institute of Technology Department of Aerospace Engineering

I was in charge of overseas external affairs in 2023. In the ARLISS competition, you work together as one team, strive for the mission's success until the moment you launch your team's CanSat at Black Rock Desert in the US. Regardless of the outcome, you will grow extremely as a person through this term. Wishing all participants a wonderful period.



Monako NOZUE

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, TOHOKU University at Japan


Public Relations for Japanese


Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, TOHOKU University at Japan

In 2023, I participated as a liaison in Japan. It is a very exciting week at ARLISS. Take care of yourself and get through it!


Tour Conductor


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Participating in ARLISS operations, I was deeply moved by students' creativity and teamwork. Managing the event on-site was a series of challenges, fostering exchanges that fueled passion for space exploration. Crafting regulations and coordinating activities demanded teamwork and sound judgment, offering invaluable experience. Witnessing students' enthusiasm and ingenuity, I'm proud to have contributed to ARLISS and am convinced of their potential to shape the future.(Generated by ChatGPT)


Tour Conductor

Amika HARA

School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications

As a participant so far, I have been involved in ARLISS mainly from the management side through the work of TOURCON in 2023. Each organization has various missions, and it is exciting just to listen to their stories. I am very much looking forward to seeing what missions will be set and accomplished in the future.


Equipment Management

Kousei OKADA

University of Tsukuba, School of Science and Engineering, College of Engineering Systems

I was in charge of goods management at ARLISS in 2023. At ARLISS, it is 2 hours each way to go shopping from the desert! Be prepared with water and food, then be careful not to forget anything!